Style and Skin Tips to Hold You Until Spring

Winter Style and Skin Tips

Dear Yanira,

It has been ridiculously cold but I still have to go to work and look presentable. It is super cold in my office and even though it is frowned upon, I sometimes keep my coat on. I seem to be the only one that complains. How do I still look stylish without freezing my behind off or keeping my coat on?

- A. Vera, Ohio

I wish I could tell you to quit your job and stay inside because I hate the cold and cannot handle it well either, but we all know that isn't very realistic. One word, layers. Tank, turtleneck (huge this season, btw), blazer, and top it off with an oversized scarf or shawl draped over your shoulders. You can remove if you get warm but if you are anything like me, you'll like the idea of a warm blanket...I mean, scarf, on you while you work.


Coats that will keep you warm and stylish during the winter months

Dear Yanira,

My skin has always been dry but this winter has left me cracked and extremely scaly. I've tried almost everything and it just keeps getting worse. Lately, it has spread up to my face and my lips especially. I don't know what else to do. Help?

- D. Gomez, Chicago, IL

I have always had dry skin too and while I've done a great job these last couple of years to keep it under control, my Achilles’ heel are my hands so I feel you on a whole different level. But my lips are my specialty. A new trend in the beauty market that I've tried has been Lip Basting. Basically, you slather a generous amount of product on your lips and let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe not wash, off. A lot of articles have been suggesting good ol' fashion Vaseline but with my desire to go green, here are some other ideas for you to try.

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Feature Image by Andre Benz on Unsplash

Ask YaniraYanira Garcia