Modern Brown Girl

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5 Ways to Incorporate More Veggies into Your Diet

We all know vegetables and leafy greens are an essential part of our diet. However, according to a recent press release from the CDC, only 1 in 10 adults meet the federal fruit or vegetable recommendations. I mean, seriously?! We can do better guys!

“This report highlights that very few Americans eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables every day, putting them at risk for chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease,” said Seung Hee Lee Kwan, Ph.D., of CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, lead author of the study. “As a result, we’re missing out on the essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that fruits and vegetables provide.”


Luckily, I have included 5 ways to start incorporating veggies into your diet TODAY.

1. Liquify Em’ 

Probably one of the easiest ways to sneak in your veggies is to throw them in a fruit-filled smoothie. Leafy greens are usually the vegetable of choice, with spinach (in my opinion) being the easiest taste to mask. Be aware - adding the greens might skew the color of the smoothie to something reminiscent of sludge. Rest assured! It will taste delectable.

2. Sautee Em’

Grab your favorite seasonings and get to cooking. I typically add garlic powder (or minced garlic if you have that on hand), paprika, Adobo (a staple!) and a light sprinkle of parsley. Combine that with sliced onions, bell peppers, and even diced potatoes if you’re fancy, and you have yourself a delicious meal!

3. Roast Em’ 

Another great way to finesse yourself into eating more veggies. Cut them into the shapes of foods you’re trying to avoid (cough, fries, cough), lightly drizzle with olive oil and a dash of salt and pop them into the oven.

4. Swap Em’

Replacing carb dense foods with veggies is a great way to still enjoy some of the foods you love without the guilt. Here are some swap options:

  • Lettuce wrap instead of bread

  • Zucchini or spaghetti squash instead of pasta

  • Cauliflower ‘rice’ instead of regular rice

  • Baked carrots or roasted turnips instead of fries

5. For The Lazy

For the days when you just cannot be bothered to even think of veggies, I suggest using Dr. Mercola’s Organic Greens powder supplement. This finely ground powder can be added to your smoothies, yogurts and anything else you can think of for an added boost. The powder is packed with antioxidant polyphenols from organic green matcha, green tea, and apple extracts help to neutralize free radicals and it actually doesn’t taste like dirt!

What sneaky ways do you use to incorporate more veggies into your diet?