Modern Brown Girl

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5 Tips To Look Effortlessly Put Together Everyday

The Netflix of personal shopping is here, and Jeannine Adams is the woman bringing style to your fingertips. Adams is the founder of Ready Pretty, a personal styling service that curates quality looks for all types of budgets.

As a former Chicago based PR maven and freelance fashion writer, Adams launched Ready Pretty in 2015 and is seeing it thrive. She discovered she had a knack for styling early on, when she would help close friends and family create outfits for special occasions. The feedback was inspiring. “Fashion can be so transformative. When you look good, you feel good, and you become a different person, more confident in every aspect. I love getting positive feedback from the women I dress. It’s my way of helping someone feel better in the skin that they’re in.”

Adams and her arsenal of stylists certainly make their clients feel amazing. All RP clients begin by filling out a questionnaire, which begins by asking, how do you want to feel? The RP stylists then work diligently to create a look to make you feel that exact way. Depending on the package you choose, you can get an entire capsule wardrobe (25 outfit recommendations), a closet edit (10 outfit recommendations), or a special occasion option (2 outfit recommendations). All recommendations are sent directly to your inbox, and includes tips and tricks for how to style everything plus access to online promotions, discounts and sales.

Can shopping be made any easier? We think not! Here’s a look at a sample pull:

So how does this hard working entrepreneur and mother of one look amazing all the time?

Adams gives MBG her tips on 5 things look polished anytime:

1. Put a blazer or jacket on ANYTHING, you will look instantly put together.

Get them in neutrals; black, beige, army green.

2. A good tee is a foundational must.

One brand she swears by is Truly Madly Deeply. Fit is really important - get something looser fitting and stick with simple colors. Striped tees are a great option too. You can wear denim with converse and you can also pair a tee with a cute skirt to dress it up.

3. Invest in a good heel.

It will enhance any outfit.

4. Quality denim.

Denim is hard for so many women, which is why she loves AYR denim. They are soft and flexible and keep their form after washing. They also come in petite sizes.

5. It’s important to keep your clothes looking great.

Washing can do damage to clothes if not done right. Read Adams’ article on (where she’s a contributing writer) on simple tricks to make your clothes last longer. She also swears by Rit Dye – a product that will help keep your blacks looking vibrant after many washings. They are also sold in other colors.

Adams stresses that having a solid foundation is key. "You have to start with some really good basics. From there, you can mix and match and always be ready to pull together an outfit." 

Down the pipeline for Adams is the extension of Ready Pretty with Ready Handsome and Ready Baby, aimed for men and expecting mothers.

If you're ready to enhance your wardrobe, visit and use code RP15 to receive 15% off your very first style service.

Images Courtesy Of: Brissa Hanzel, Breeze Art Creatives